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Title: PHY 1021, La Mecanique: de Copernic a Newton PHY 1021, Mechanics: from Copernicus to Newton
Institution: Tele-universite, Canada



[French description - English follows]
Objectifs et contenu:
Montrer comment l'episode historique connu sous le nom de revolution copernicienne a radicalement transforme notre facon de questionner l'univers et de le representer. A cette fin, on mettra l'accent sur la comprehension et l'application pratique des concepts, lois et theories physiques nes de cette revolution, ainsi que sur la maitrise des outils mathematiques qui les sous-tendent.

Le cours aborde les themes suivants. Sur le plan de la physique: la cinematique et la dynamique (de translation et de rotation), les lois des mouvements planetaires et un apercu de la revolution de la mecanique au 20e siecle. Sur le plan des mathematiques: la derivee, les vecteurs, l'integration, les coniques. Sur le plan de l'histoire; l'apport de Galileo, Kepler et Newton, les contraintes qu'ils ont subi et l'importance de leur contribution a l'edification de la physique moderne.

[English description]
Objectives and contents:
This course demonstrates how the Copernicus revolution has radically changed our ways of questioning and representing the universe. The course places emphasis on the understanding and practical application of the concepts, laws and theories of the revolution as well as mastering the underlying mathematical notions.

The course covers the following topics: physics: kinematics and dynamics (translation and rotation), laws of planetary movements and an overview of the revolution of mechanics in the twentieth century. Mathematics: the derivative, vectors, integration and conics. History: the contributions of Galileo, Kepler and Newton, the constraints they were subjected to and the importance of their contribution to modern physics.

Assessment may include: Assignments, examinations.
Assessment is by assignment (30%) and examination (70%).

Entry requirements:
Students should have basic knowledge in algebra, trigonometry, and of mathematical functions and their graphical representation.

Programmes in which this course may be included:
Certificate in Science and Technology.



Media and methods employed: Printed text, tutorial support, TV, video cassettes.

Administrative information:
This is a 3 credit course.


070430 PHYSICS

Date: 19 July 1996 vmb
Source: Tele-universite 1995/1996 Brochure

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